Reunions are a wonderful thing. My good bud Todd finally got himself hitched to a ridiculously wonderful woman, Brenda. We're all college friends, so it was an awesome gathering of the clan in Portland, just down the Columbia River where we all met, Walla Walla College.
I was struck by many things during the trip. It's an amazing thing to behold the change that comes over your friends when they
plunge into the creation of life, God's stunning metaphor for love. The strength, the awe, the depth it brings them to...it's beautiful.
I was blessed to share the search for meaning and purpose with friends, many of whom are older than me, a gentle reminder that no one has it all figured out, but we're doing the best we can with God's guidance.
I was blessed by acquaintances who opened their home and their family to me, to become friends. These are people who appear incredibly nice, and you find out to your surprise, they're even nicer.
I was blessed by the joy of having no other purpose than to hang out and be comfortable with friends. No need to "catch up quick", just leisurely chatting, looking at wedding pictures, walking the dog.
I was blessed to laugh...alot.
I was blessed to smell the fresh, verdant Portland air.
I was blessed by a bite of coconut syrup on buttermilk pancakes.
...I was blessed to experience Jesus, his sacrifice, my unworthiness, in the most unlikeliest of places.
That's awesome that God revealed Himself to you in so many ways on your trip! Glad God gave you precious memories and a safe trip back.
Friends, family, connections. It's where it's really at. We were glad to have you here. Come back anytime so long as your Visa allows you to ;)
To quote a line from Into the Wild, "Happiness is not real unless shared."
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