Tuesday, December 12, 2006


My mum. Imagine if you will:

a woman of towering strength, whose faith in God slays demons and naysayers.

a woman whose love breaks my heart when I think of what she's endured to give it.

a woman who puts herself last all too often, but she'll be put first in the Kingdom.

and finally a woman who's got the best-worst joke of all time:
" Is it further to Leduc...or by Bus?"

Don't worry if you don't get it, she does, and the laugh it gives her, is joy encapsulated.
And her joy is mine.

1 comment:

BLeah said...

Your words to and of the people you love inspire me. They inspire me to see only the best in others, to desire those Christ-like qualities also, that others may in turn be inspired. Thank you for allowing the Spirit to use you.