Sunday, December 31, 2006

Michaela V. Lawrence.

Her friendship has been a constant blessing the last couple years. In so many ways, she points me to God: her marvelous music, her luxurious laugh and her soul-search for God. Her ministry has led her to Andrews University in Michigan for her Masters in Divinty, so I'm sure one day the Adventist church will have its first black female president!


wordhabit said...

hey! that's me : )

Nicol Clark said...

hey - that's my fabulously wonderful friend Michaela and her boyfriend that I can't wait to meet :)! Great girl you've got there, and from your posts I feel like she's likely a blessed girl to have found you! Excited for the two of you :)
Nicol :)

Abby said...

I recognize that girl...I think I met her once or twice...reminds me of my sister...hmmm...

Sistah Girl said...

WOW! Aren't you the keeper of secrets:) SO FUN!!!!

myla said...

so let me just cut and paste what i wrote to your better half (hee hee): ok. . so since i've been back from Oz. . .i'm unemployed (yet again). . .and have time on my hands to go online and read up. . WOWEE!!!! i didn't realize all this LOVIN' was going on! :) :) :) . . .soooooo fun! so fun!!! :) :) :) i love it. . together brings people together. . .i'm going to try to bring back together so beautiful people like you and Michaela can come together again. . hee hee. . love you! :)