So this is my new favourite picture. It's from the Plitvice Waterfalls in Plitvicka Jezera National Park, Croatia.
It's photos like this that just take your breath away, allow you to see God's handiwork and a little glimpse of what heaven will be like.
A favourite site of mine right now is Prettiest Images. It's got this picture and so many others that just blow your mind as to the beauty on this world. You can check out the photographer's site (John Brauer) here
If it were possible, I would set up a tent and live at that waterful. Could you imagine what it would be like to wake up to that every single morning? I sure wouldn't mind. I'll have to check out that website. Have a fantastic week!
Hi Brian..this is Eric from Philippines (1000Missionary Movement)...
I checked the site of Prettiest Images and the picz truly locked my jaw....I wish Philippines would be as beautiful as that and Filipinos would be more consciously aware that God created this beautiful planet for us to take care...
I couldn't help myself to shed tears as I was imagining myself living in that breathtaking views....living in this sinful world is always confronted with problems,political,pollution,etc...that is why longingness for the heavenly kingdom is always a dream...
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